Despite the fact that very little is done to protect what remains of Bugoma Forest from deforestation and illegal logging. ACBF still has joint operational patrols with National Forestry Authority.
We discovered that military attachment with NFA actually works only to protect the illegal business.
On the 6th of April, a night patrol was able to identify and block a truck of illegal timber. Thanks to recruited support from from soldiers. Before reaching NFA Kisindi station, the driver of the truck stopped by saying that he was not going anywhere. Our calls to the military security stationed at NFA was in vain.
Only through the help of other near by police station helped to finally impound the truck.
All the illegal loogers of the area came to NFA station to see what is happening with their business.
ACBF commits to follow the law and fight against illegal logging and other illegal activities committed to Bugoma Forest untill when the last tree of the Forest will have gone.
We regret to see no political or institutional will, to protect what is left of Bugoma Forest Reserve
Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities-Uganda
Ministry of Water and Environment