Category «Save Bugoma Forest»

Destination Jungle presents “The Chimpanzee Go!”

Destination Jungle in June 2015 launched the new initiative “The Chimpanzee Go!” under Bugoma Forest Conservation Campaign, to raise support and interest for the chimpanzees and the protection of Bugoma Forest in Uganda. This campaign comes following “Run for Nature 2014”, the sport event which was organized in September 2014 with the objective to start …

Press release – Run for Nature 2014 – 19th August 2014

Brief History of BFCC Bugoma Forest Conservation Campaign is a consortium of private sector companies, NGOs and associations sharing the interest to work together for making positive steps in forest conservation in Uganda, particularly targeting the conservation of Bugoma Central Forest Reserve (Hoima District). The current members of the Campaign group are: KUEMA (Kyambogo University …

Bugoma Forest Conservation Campaign Appeal

Background: the importance of Bugoma Forest Bugoma Central Forest Reserve, with about 410 sq km of protected area, a long forested stretch of about 40 km, was rated 12 out of 65 forests surveyed in Uganda for biodiversity importance. Bugoma is the largest remaining block of forest along the Albertine Rift Valley between Budongo and …